Posted by Fletch in Books | 5 Comments
Nightshade of the Skeleton Key Guild
James Nightshade of the Skeleton Key Guild has captured the fans and Chloe’s imagination since he first appeared in The Doorknob Society Saga. A swaggering and intense man who never hesitated to do what was needed to help those he cares about. One need look no further then the events in TheĀ ImpossibleĀ Engineers to see how far Nightshade is willing to go.
But now with the release of Skeleton Key Guild coming in May. One has to wonder what will be the fate of, as Chloe has put it, “the most infuriating man in the world.” Nightshade’s past has always haunted him and he has done anything possible to make sure he never loses anyone he loves again. He is willing to make any sacrifice, the question is will he have too?
Much of Nightshade’s past still remains a mystery. What we do know of him is draped in tragedy. But might his past also contain clues to the coming events in the Skeleton Key Guild?
Many people have requested that Nightshade get a book of his own. I’ve considered that and even have thought about doing a prequel or novella with Nightshade and his first love. But first I want to allow the events of the Skeleton Key Guild to play out. Also for anyone who wants a little more Nightshade you can check out the short story collection the Cape Beanery Chronicles. He appears in two of the shorts and I am also in the process of writing a new short story starring Nightshade.
So what does everyone think does Nightshade deserve his own book? And do you think he’ll survive the Skeleton Key Guild? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments.

I think Nightshade will survive. He’s a survivor. I do think he deserves his own book. A story about Nightshade and Lauren is a great idea.
Honestly, though…I’m more interested in Nightshade and his family. Who is the mysterious stranger released from the HVO prison…is he somehow related to Nightshade? Just a thought….
I did another blog on the prisoner and who it might be that you can check out. I am seriously considering doing a prequel of Nightshade since so many ask about it.
Of course James Nightshade deserves a book of his own.
He is fascinating.
I never read ahead but I had to find out if he ended in previous books.
Why would an author kill off such a remarkable character and I am glad to see he didn’t.
I do not understand why these books are not movies. They are so much better than The Mortal Instruments.
I started to Doorknob Society Friday and finished The Skeleton Key Guild on Sunday.
These are some of the best books I have ever read in 66 years.
A brilliant writer with absolutely stomach wrenching stories.
I cannot wait for more.
I think that James should deserve an own book
I think it would be interesting if he has his own point of view (perspective) in every obstacle just like Chloe
I would like to see how he feels, what are his thoughts?
There is a good chance Nightshade will be getting at least his own novella. I may do a book as well, we’ll have to see what happens with some of the situations coming out of the Grimm Chronicles. Nightshade does make an appearance in the new book coming out, A Conclave of Shadows.