May 12, 2013

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The Skeleton Key Guild released

The Skeleton Key Guild has been released. Here it is the final book in the Doorknob Society Saga.

Skeleton Key Guild cover

 Kindle | Kobo

Her parents dead, her sister missing, and those she loves branded traitors to the Old Kind… Chloe Masters is on the run.
To fulfill a parent’s dying wish she will do anything to save the sister she has never met. Can she learn the secrets of the Artifacts before it’s too late? Surrounded by her friends; Slade, Edgar, Jess, Val and the man she loves James Nightshade, Chloe has never had so much to live for… but will her enemies let her?

I’ve been waiting for this moment since I wrote the first book and knew where I was going to be taking the characters. Now that I’ve finally reached the end of their journey I am both happy and sad. I’m beyond attached to these characters and hate to see it end but I am also thrilled that I will get to continue on with them in future stories.

I hope you all enjoy reading the conclusion as much as I did writing it. I’d love to here your thoughts in the comments below or if you’d like please leave a review on amazon. Just beware of spoilers, we don’t want to ruin it for anyone else.


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